On Monday, The Indian unit (Rupee) is likely to start a fresh week within the range of between 73.48 – 73.58 levels as the greenback has risen from a one-month low reached after jobs data for August showed that jobs growth slowed, while wage inflation rose more than expected.
USD/INR is firming at the 50% mean reversion of the prior bullish impulse on the daily chart. There are prospects of an onward bullish continuation for the days ahead would the US dollar continue to pick up a bid.
India has cut base import taxes on palm oil, soy oil and sunflower oil, as the world's biggest vegetable oil buyer tries to cool near-record price rises
Day Trend: - BUY ON DIP (Trend about to change)
INTRADAY RANGE – 74.06 (73.69 – 73.31) 72.94