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USDINR enjoying regular FII inflows , We are expecting in thin market USDINR commence Monday session within range bound between 73.55 - 73.65 levels, The pair trading near term support levels at 73.35 - 73.45 levels. Short Term Domestic unit directly correlated with domestic indices (nifty , Sensex ) movement.

  • Leaders of Indian farmers' unions have agreed to meet ministers on Tuesday, possibly paving the way for a seventh round of talks with the government which has so far failed to mollify growers who say three new agricultural laws threaten their livelihoods.

INTRADAY RANGE - 73.32 ( 73.47 - 73.65 ) 73.78


  • A senior Chinese official arrived in Kathmandu on Sunday to assess the political situation, local party officials said, a first diplomatic step by the neighboring power after Nepal’s Prime Minister dissolved parliament a week ago.

  • Britain on Saturday published the text of its narrow trade agreement with the European Union just five days before it exits one of the world's biggest trading blocs in its most momentous global shift since the loss of empire.

  • Brexit offers Britain a chance to do things differently in financial services, finance minister Rishi Sunak said on Sunday, but it will co-operate with the European Union on an approach to the sector despite little detail on the topic in its trade deal.

  • Hungary and Slovakia stole a march on their fellow EU nations as they began vaccinating people against COVID-19 on Saturday, a day ahead of rollouts in several other countries including France and Spain as the pandemic surges across the continent.

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