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  • Trump economic adviser Kudlow says slower inflation could cause Fed to slow hikes

  • China trade data - monthly copper imports dropped for the first time this year

  • Goldman Sachs wind back their 4 Fed rate hike forecast in 2019, March not likely

  • New Zealand Treasury Monthly Economic Indicators NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows growth outlook broadly unchanged

  • China state media: government should slow deleveraging, tolerate bigger budget deficit

  • Australia October home loans +2.2% m/m (expected -0.4%)

  • JP Morgan (have a big bull forecast) blame fake news for stock market falls

  • Japan Q3 GDP (final) -0.6% q/q (preliminary was -0.3%)

  • Japan October BoP Current Account Balance, ¥ 1309.9bn (expected ¥ 1262.7B)

  • OECD warns Australian govt to "prepare contingency plans" if housing prices crash

  • US 'hard deadline' for the China trade deal … the clock is counting down

  • RBA's Kent: Next Australian rate move likely to be up, but not any time soon

  • Brexit vote Dec. 11- DUP confirms it will be voting against May's deal

  • China inflation data was out over the weekend, CPI 2.2% for Nov., from 2.5% in Oct.

  • New Zealand Q3 manufacturing activity volume for Q3, -1.6% q/q

  • RBA's Kent says getting close to time US monetary policy is moving to neutral stance

  • Weekend: IMF chief economist says US economy set to slow

  • Weekend - US trade rep Lighhizer says 90 days is a hard deadline for China

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